Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why henna better for hair coloring?

Talk about coloring hair with henna or mehandi (as it is popularly known) and one gets nostalgic with the memories of moms and aunts daubed with a thick & tacky paste on their heads. Mehandi, one of the oldest and the most natural way to dye hair, had been the preferred choice of several people not without reasons. Lately, several studies and research have proved that when compared with chemical hair colors, henna based natural coloring products are far more better and safe to use. While there are several benefits of henna based hair colors over chemical based products, we are highlighting the major ones for you:

Well, It's natural!

Henna dye is obtained from the leaves of a plant Lawsonia Inermis (scientific name). Traditionally cultivated in South Asia, North Africa and some parts of Australia, Henna plant is the only source of Henna color. The leaves of the plant are extracted, dried, milled and sifted to prepare Henna Powder. Being a natural product it prevents hair from all the damage and allergies caused by harmful chemicals present in chemical hair colors.

Well, It's Beneficial!

Besides coloring your gray strings, Henna also nourishes your hair with all the goodness of nature. The natural protein present in Henna strengthens the hair root to tip to prevent it from all the breakage and damage. While it also has proven anti- fungal and anti- dandruff properties which keep your scalp and hair healthy.

Henna Hair Coloring

Well, It's effective!

Henna based hair colors have been proven to be more effective and long lasting than any chemical product. The natural color obtained from Henna leaves layers your hair in such a way that it bonds with the hair protein and gives a longer lasting result. This is the reason each time henna is applied to the hair, another coat of color is added to the hair strands.

Well, It's proven!

The benefits and nourishing properties of henna and henna based hair colors have been proven by renowned research labs time and again. Several research show that when used regularly, henna based colors nourish the hair follicle and scalp and prevent it from general damage.

Well, It's easy!

Gone are the days when you had to take all the pain of mixing and adding natural colors like tea and coffee to you mehandi mix. Now, one can choose from several ready to use henna based hair colors which are effective, easy to apply and scientifically tested. Prem Henna's Nisha Color range offers a premium range of several henna based hair colors to choose from.

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ammonia the Most Dangerous Thing For Hairs

Ammonia the Most Dangerous Thing For Hairs

Please read the Slides attached,

Saturday, December 27, 2014

How Henna Based Hair Color Protect Your Hair From Damage

How henna based hair color help you look much beautiful.

There is a fixed time span, after which natural hair start shedding their natural shine, strength and look. This is usual process when we age. It happens in normal course of time and it does not indicate any disorder or ill-health. Depending on various factors sometimes all the hair turn grey or white or there may be patches of grey hair on head. Both these patterns snatch away subject’s natural look because hair is the most prominent component of a person’s personality. Nobody likes such hair.

Don’t worry, we have various options to address this age related change in hair. You are not alone as "millions of people" are living happily with this. Fortunately there are hair colors which gives your hair desired colored, such is the range available in market that these dyes are able to color your hair in most natural way your hair looks like. There are natural hair dyes (herbal henna for hair) also called natural henna powder or henna hair dye, herbal henna for hair; which are mostly used. The mostly recommended and used hair color is henna also called mehandi, followed by henna-based colors. Pure henna is best for hairs because it colors hair easily and in an elegant manner. Application is easier; anybody may color hair at home without any danger or safety measures.

On the other hand henna based colors have few other ingredients but they are mainly henna based. It is up to the consumers what products they prefer. These henna based products may give desired shade to the hair.

There are many commercial suppliers of hair colors of natural and synthetic origin. One of the most reputed and oldest manufacturers of henna, Prem Henna Pvt. Ltd, produces quality henna and henna products for coloring the hair in an elegant manner.

Company’s Prem Dulhan Natural Henna Powder is one such unique powder which can color your hair in a most optimum and safer manner. So give it a try.

Natural Henna Powder Prem Dulhan
Henna Based Hair Color